Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Midis Crétin. Le dernier de mes blasphèmes pour aujourd'hui.

Happy holidays everyone!
Especially you, mj.
I missed inhaling you into my lungs, and reuniting with you tonight was superb.
I promise never run out on you again. In fact, I will purchase a half o of you tomorrow.

It was declared earlier on that this would be the last time presents with our names on them would find themselves under the tree. Rather, the names of charities and causes we deem worthy will be inscribed on envelopes and monetary donations will be given in each others' names.

Both of the gifts I that gave to my dad ended up broken by the end of the evening, one of them beyond repair.

Joyeux Noel et Bonne Année to my parents. At the end of the day (or year), my love for both of you far exceeds the anger I feel towards you sometimes when we disagree.

Merry xmas e. I love you. And thank-you for the watch. And I can't wait to start the new year with you, away from Chelmsford (Or Elliot Lake) for once.

And seasons greetings to Jenny, whom I've spent the better part of practically every Christmas for the last thirteen (fourteen?) years. I'm super excited/saddened to help you move to town in Jan. and hopefully I can see you for a bit today.

And buddy, merry christmas. I love you, you're my best friend. I wish to you that you will use the new year for introspection and honest self-talk. And I want you to do something that (and forgive me for generalizing here) a lot of straight edgers will define as crossing the threshold that segregates people that smoke pot, and stoners.  I want you to smoke a joint to your head, by yourself, completely alone at home. Do it, and then listen to Ask Me Anything by The Strokes. And listen to the song seven times, focusing each time on a different note. The first time, drown every note out but the G. The multiple instrumental manifestations and patterns that this note exhibits are pretty neat, sufficiently intricate and well ordered, but even the sum of each note on its own added up cannot possibly compare to the melody that unfolds when they are super/juxtaposed. See this as a metaphor for people. It isn't until you really pay attention to everyone around you and acquire a true sense of your own ignorance. I am not great, nor better for being so acutely aware of this, but privileged and eternally grateful for my realizations. It is through these moments of clarity that I myself acquired empathy.

Here's to a successful secret santa with a fortunate turn of events. Eddie got a golden bunny chain and collapsible shot glass for Vis who got ninja collectibles plushies for coursh who got starwars imperial earrings for me who got a minecraft weighted pickaxe bottle opener for justin who got awesome bright orange (zack's the only person I've ever met who considers bright orange his favourite colour) earphones for zack, who got a cookbook centred on rice for eddie.

Pat on the back for Crystal, Chris and I for another whole year at metro without killing our boss.

Most importantly, happy doomsday survival, everyone.

I'll post some xmas pictures, past and present, later during the day.

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